
12-13th December 6 p.m. will be presented film “Father” by dir. Marat Sargsyan.

Documentary film, ~ 60 min., 2012

Directed by Marat Sargsyan
Produced by Just a moment (LT)

Vidas Zenonas Antonovas has been recorded in the book of the most interesting criminals of Soviet Union. He stole around a million rubles from the state’s institutions. Together with his accomplices, he hijacked a plane with passengers in order to split for Africa. He has been nicknamed “The Father of Mafia“. 20 years of his time he did in 15 different prisons. Now he is 71 and has a big family – 10 children, 2 grandchildren and a newborn son.
It is a documentary about the values of an ex-con, about a man challenging time and destiny, about the drives of an insatiable lust for lifeabout. It is a love story of one family. There are neither romantic moments nor miracules changes. But there is a strong potential to change our understanding about what happy and loving family is or could be.

“Of course, twenty years in prison and the criminal activity I was involved in have changed my essence. But I felt I still have enough strength and chances to create a family my father and grandfather spoke of,” – said Vidas Zenonas Antonovas