On the 6th of April, 2018, Friday, 5:30 PM, at KCCC Exhibition Hall (Didžioji Vandens g. 2, Klaipėda) an exhibition of sound comics “A Bit of Discourse” of the comic artist Miglė Anušauskaitė, film director Julija Šatkauskaitė, composer Andrius Šiuras and creative team „Bilietų nėra“ opens.
The exhibition offers you too see different comics – sound comics. The author of this idea, Rasa Kregždaitė says that idea of creating sound comics was born while working with radio theatre projects. The idea was implemented while experimenting with three young artists and creative team „Bilietų nėra. The comic artist Miglė Anušauskaitė created the drawings, actress and film director Julija Šatkauskaitė together with the composer Andrius Šiurys created the sound tracks.
The comics of the exhibition “A Bit of Discourse” offers a new view to familiar situations discover unexpected, playful connections; notice the witty side of daily situations that are sometimes diluted with light absurd. The works exhibited represent simple everyday situations, illustrate the expressions we often use in our language, such as “but at least we are starting to talk about it”, “I feel so much better after I stopped eating junk food”, “it’s the way nature made it”.
The sound complementing the drawings creates a mood, the feeling of the artwork, allows the imagination of the viewer escape the two dimensional media, empathize with the context and draw pictures in your mind that have not made it on the blank piece of paper while experiencing the sound. Its main function is not only to develop a particular story or reveal the tempers of the acting characters, but to trigger the viewer’s subjective feelings, provoke associations or memories.
In this project, the image and sound are equal. And it is only up to the viewer how one will read or interpret that combination. Since a QR coded sound track will be placed next to each comic, the visitors will be able to choose how the view the exhibition – look into the image and sound as a whole, or view only the drawings, or maybe just view the exhibition with their eyes closed. The exhibition of sound comics is like a playful challenge of interpretation, that each person can solve individually and experience fun and surprising discoveries.
About the authors
Miglė Anušauskaitė acquired a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in semiotics in Vilnius University. Currently she is studying for a doctoral degree at the Institute of the Lithuanian language, is publishing texts in cultural publications since 2008, and has her own comic columns in various websites, among them – the web portal of culture Miglė often conducts comic workshops, participates in popularising science activities. In 2014, together with Greta Jord, published a graphic novel “10 litas” (orig. “10 litų”), which was awarded with the Patriot’s Award, in 2017- a comic book “Dr. Square. Greimas and his semiotics” (orig. “Dr. Kvadratas. Greimas ir jo semiotika”), which has already won many awards. In 2015 at the KCCC Exhibition Hall, M. Anušauskaitė comic exhibit “Thing” (orig. “Dalyką”) took place; in 2017 her works were exhibited in an interactive group exhibition “The World as Seen by a Semiotician” (orig. “Pasaulis semiotiko akimis”) at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania and at the group exhibit of the Baltic countries “Koomiks, Komiksi, Komiksai“at the Treviso Comic Book Festival.
Julija Šatkauskaitė studied the acting speciality at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, at the Eimantas Nekrošius course. During the years of her studies, she started to look into principles of laying out the theatrical action and the dramaturgy of sound, look for parallels between dramaturgy and the composition of music. Julija is a director and the producer of play “Medėja” and an international music project “Mugam and Sutartinės: Dialogues” (orig. “Mugam ir sutartinės: Dialogai”), has also held quite a few performances of literature and sound, participated in international radio drama festivals, workshops and artist residency programmes. Currently she is continuing to look into the experiments of radio, theatre and audio atmospheres, creating performances of sound and literature, is an electronic music performer.
Andrius Šiurys studied the speciality of music technologies at the Kaunas University of Technology, at the Lithuanian Academyof Music and Theatre, at the professor Rytis Mažulis course – studied composition. During his study years, Andrius began writing instrumental music. Later he started to experiment in the field of electroacoustic music. Created music for various audiovisual projects, drama and audio plays; performs at contemporary music festivals inLithuania, interdisciplinary art projects.
Creative team “Bilietų nėra” stir the imagination of their listeners during the radio theatre and audio performances, rediscovering and creating new genres of radio theatre. In order to find more links between the art of theatre and sound, the artists create audio atmospheres during the musical, production and performative experiments; with the help of audio equipment they reveal the content of literary material. “Bilietų nėra” actively participates in music, literature, radio theatre and art festivals inLithuania and abroad.
The exhibition is partially funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
The exhibition will be opened until the 6th of May, 2018.
KCCC Exhibition hall (Didžioji Vandens g. 2, Klaipėda) working hours: Wednesday – Sunday 11 AM -7 PM (closed on public holidays).