Sound – Pijus Džiugas Meižis

Since 2016 we are developing photogrammetry based project about the cities of Europe – “City studies”. Photogrammetry – specific form of photography and 3D graphics which connects geographical focus and different multisensorial modalities. We are interested in geographical focus on the city. We see our process of observing the architecture, sculpture and nature of the city as an act of transforming performance. We are also interested in dynamic and fluidity of the City. Our current interest is liquidation of borders and categories, like general description about the physical and social meaning of cities: structured sites of human ambition, architectural and mundane wonders, accidental landscapes, whose beauty develops in consonance with nature, whose failures and fractures and pollution lead to refection on the temporary nature of existence and human frailty.

Photogrammetry – a way of scanning static object by taking and arranging an array of photos, and piecing them together to form a 3d textured object. By editing the models, introducing “glitch” aesthetics and piecing together building facades, surreal and ephemeral perspectives of city landscape are formed. The creation of such composition is partially independent from us – technology picks certain scales, angles and glitches of the models, and thus plays part in the creation of work. Video, which is the results of this partially self-generating product transfers the viewer into a transformed reality. Since materiality is divisible, in our work old and new, digital and analog are intertwined. Understanding of time and space is true for visible, and not ultimate, reality. This visible reality, based on sense-experience, is generated hand-in-hand with technology. Since sense-experience is dominated by accident, we trust our sentiments and ego-documentary when collecting material and forming cityscapes. These cities are the ones we experienced most vividly, whose maps and meanings we know better than any formal theory. Together with technology, we pay attention to city’s architectural, sculptural and natural monuments, we create new virtual and dynamic structures, which, in the near future, can take root in public space.

About artists:

We group of two artists – Dalia Mikonytė and Adomas Žudys. This project is our collaboration with composer Pijus Džiugas Meižis. Dalia Mikonytė is a photographer and researcher, member of artists group Coolturistes, The Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association (LeTMeKoo) and Lithuanian Photographers Association. Adomas Žudys mostly works with 3D graphics and design, video mapping, also big street art projects and stencils. Together we work with photography, video, 3D and text medias. Artistic practice we are developing focuses on old and well known art forms mixed together with new science and technology. Our work addresses various questions and variations of perception and recognition. Themes centered around the relationship between materiality, technology and identity. Subjects range between intimate space and time, personal experiences, identity and its representation, signs, virtual and actual reality. Interests and inspirations balance between history, contemporary art and future scenarios, among theory, practice and sentiment. Pijus Džiugas Meižis doesn`t rely on academic descriptions and present his part in the project poetically:

Synthetic sounds form foggy spaces
Slowly and cautiously repeating motifs
Adorned by longing patterns
Invite thoughts to get lost

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