Theda Schillmöller
26th March – 17th April at KCCC Residence is staying photographer Theda Schillmöller (Germany).
“Theda Schillmöller (b. 1985) is inspired by the places of her “Heimat”, her keen eye searches for the unspectacular relics and details, but views them with an artistic empathy. Images of deserted landscapes and cultural spaces have a sense of timelessness. Meaning and image melt into an intense artistic statement.” (Prof. Michael Soltau)
During the residence Thda is going to show photography exhibition “Autentic place” (26th March-17th April) and lead prohography workshop “Abstract portrait” (11-12th April).
“The authentic place” is called the new project of the artist Theda Schillmöler. During one year she travels through several countries and portrayers people of the North- andBaltic Seacoast line. As a mixture of photographs, video works and text, Schillmöller is willing to show a realistic and personal picture of nature and people on the coast line – their similarities, differences and every day problems. The artist tries to find places aside obvious situations and subjects and manages to compose an arrangement from reality without arranging anything.